Monday, December 7, 2009

LADWP to Demonstrate New Energy Projects on Campus

Check out this article from the Daily Trojan featuring our campaign organizer, Trieste Lockwood!

In related news, we recently had a very successful meeting with Senior Vice President Todd Dickey, Associate Senior Vice President Charles Lane, Executive Director of Environmental Health and Safety Ed Becker, Associate Vice President John Welsh, and Sustainability director Matthew Oden - they've agreed to write the letter to city council from USC! We will keep you posted on this as it unfolds.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Operation Save Our Skyline

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Save Our Skyline event! It was another great success - we really made an impact, had a ton of fun, and racked up quite a few petitions in the meantime. Hope to see you at our next event!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Save Our Skyline!

USC is taking the next step in raising awareness about the need for renewable energy in Los Angeles!

Join the USC Sierra Club on Trousdale Parkway on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 from 10 AM – 4PM!

Sign your handprint on a poster of the skies of LA – It’ll be a lot of fun and a great way to learn more about the Beyond Coal Campaign. Free stickers and pins will be available!

RSVP on Facebook!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Free Preview Screening of Coal Country!

COAL COUNTRY is a dramatic look at modern coal mining. We get to know working miners along with activists who are battling coal companies in Appalachia. We hear from miners and coal company officials, who are concerned about jobs and the economy and believe they are acting responsibly in bringing power to the American people. Both sides in this conflict claim that history is on their side. Families have lived in the region for generations, and most have ancestors who worked in the mines. Everyone shares a deep love for the land, but MTR (Mountain Top Removal mining which has leveled over 500 Appalachian mountains) is tearing them apart. We need to understand the meaning behind promises of “cheap energy” and “clean coal.” Are they achievable? At what cost? Are there alternatives to our energy future?

[Coal Country premieres on Planet Green this weekend.]

Don't miss this free screening!
Refreshments will be served.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Java-log Success!

Thanks to everyone who came out for our coal-less BBQ for Halloween! It was a great success and the java-logs worked out great! Who needs coal?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Celebrate Halloween with Beyond Coal - Because Coal is Scary!

To celebrate our success so far at USC, the Beyond Coal Campaign will be hosting a coal-less BBQ & Picnic event. As an alternative to coal, we will be BBQ-ing using java-logs that have been generously donated to us!

Bring your costume and have a good time meeting new people, eating free food, and listening to live acoustic music! RSVP here on Facebook.

When: Friday, October 30, 2009

Time: 3-6pm

Where: USC main campus - McCarthy quad

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Your Daily Thread

Shout out to Your Daily Thread - LA's guide to conscious living - for featuring us on their blog! Go
check it out!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Colleges: Battlegrounds for the Coal Fight

Check out this article from The New York Times titled Colleges are Battlegrounds for Coal Fight.

USC is mentioned as one of the campuses where Sierra Club is working (on the second page). The article discusses Sierra Club’s goals and how they are spreading awareness. Also included are the names of other schools supporting the Sierra Club and some alternatives to coal that have been proposed.

Don’t forget to check out the just released video 2 Dirty 4 College: In Bed. Send it to your friends!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Students Make Push for Coal-free Energy!

Hey everyone! We were featured in the Daily Trojan at USC. Check out the article here!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

National Day of Action

For the National Day of Action - 09/29/09, we went photo-petitioning on Trousdale! A ton of people stopped by to show their support. View the pictures here at the Sierra Club's website.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

About Us

Coal provides about half of our electricity and more than 30% of our global warming pollution. From the mine to the plant, coal is our dirtiest energy source. It causes asthma and other health problems, destroys our mountains, and releases toxic mercury into our communities. Continuing our dependence on coal chains us to dirty energy and prevents us from making the changes we need to bring about a clean, secure energy future. Currently, California is the 12th greatest contributor to climate change in the entire world - worse than most countries. As the leading purchaser of energy in the LA area, USC and its students play an integral role for the Beyond Coal Campaign. With the support of such an influential campus, we hope to bring clean, renewable energy to the entirety of Los Angeles.

The Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign is working hard to:

1. Stop the construction of dirty, new coal plants by educating investors and decision makers about the economic and environmental risks of investing in new coal.
2. Retire old plants that are the worst contributors to health-harming soot and smog pollution and replace them with clean energy solutions.
3. Work with communities to protect our mountains, lands and waters by keeping our vast coal reserves in the ground.

Thanks for your support!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hey everyone!

Welcome to the University of Southern California (USC) Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign’s blog! We’re here to bring you the latest news about renewable energy and our campaign to decrease the use of coal at USC. Information about renewable energy and about the Sierra Club’s campaign will be posted every week. Stay tuned and check back often!

For now, check out our Facebook Fan Page & join our Facebook Group!